This is Kaitlin now, after Rosie.

I am Kaitlin Garratt (Armstrong). Drawing from over 20 years of studying the body’s intelligence through exercise physiology and kinesiology, yoga, somatic therapy, martial arts, meditation, tantra, and fitness, I am a movement physiologist, clair-sentient practitioner, and wellness weaver of body, mind and spirit. 

By re-invigorating curiosity, I encourage others to reflect on how they are literally and figuratively moving through life.  I work to inspire and challenge people to Rewild (un-school and de-condition past programs), to liberate more of the intuitive being underneath.  

My offerings are whole being, healing empowered movements, journeying beyond the separate, victim, and scarcity patterns to reclaim the inherent energetic and emotional intelligence of our joy embodied. 

I support you in embodying your inherent value and powerful reason for being.

I hold a safe container to feel into the basement boxes of past experiences stored in our tissues and beliefs. So we can grieve, release and open to our innate ease and flow of energy.  

I build movement experiences that challenge and revitalize the ‘whole feeling’ of being human.

I am ReWilding in motion.

“I wish to energize the inner revolution of truth embodied, for an interconnected rewiring in love, nature, pleasure, joy, and peace.  For the inner child and our co-created children.  For inner liberation and outer cooperation of us all diversely expressed. For the well-being of all beings. May we realize a more beautiful world is possible when we uplift eachother.”